Fees are due upon enrollment.
All families are required to pay an annual registration fee that will be good for the whole year and will be due in September. The registration fee will be prorated until September when it will be due in full. $50 for a single child and $75 for a family (2+) *Must live at same residence and be able to claim all children as dependents.
I agree to be responsible for payment of tuition for all programs reserved for the enrollee up to the last day of the month enrolled.
I agree to pay for ALL classes reserved by me, whether utilized by enrolled or not.
I understand that there may not be make up classes in the event of a COVID closure or lost classes due to exposure to COVID. We will try hard to accommodate everyone, but it may not be possible.
I understand that there are no refunds for registration or tuition fees paid.
I understand that tuition is payable in full before or on the 20th of the month for the following month.
I understand that if I do not pay by the 20th, my child could lose his/her place in the class of choice.
Any checks returned to Garland's Gymnastics unpaid by my bank will be subject to a $30 service fee.
If I wish to unenroll my student, I understand that I MUST let the office know BEFORE the 20th of the month that my child will not be returning. The drop request form may be found here. Without prior notification, I understand I will still be charged and responsible for the payment.